Submission on the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill

18 January 2023

This amendment was intended to change the overall purpose statement of the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill, which governs the granting of rights to extract minerals and resources in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • We agree with the government’s decision to change the CMA’s purpose statement away from one that promotes mining and extraction activities.

  • We are concerned that a neutral purpose statement will not direct the Minister to support New Zealand’s just transition to a sustainable economy and will leave the Act de facto in favour of promoting profit-based fossil fuel exploration.

  • We acknowledge the need for clear, well-designed legislation, and propose that the Act be tied into existing, well-defined sustainable transition goals.

  • We support the Bill’s intent to promote engagement with mana whenua by companies operating in their rohe. Mineral exploration affects everybody in Aotearoa, and the general public (especially tangata whenua) have a right to be consulted.

  • The CMA plays a unique role in guiding the way in which this country’s natural resources are developed. For too long, this has focused on exploiting resources for short-term economic gain. We are hopeful it has the potential to instead drive targeted, strategic use for a just transition to a sustainable economy, in line with our goal to be carbon-neutral by 2050.

  • The Amendment Bill as it stands is a step in the right direction. However, with a climate crisis already affecting us, neutrality is not an option. We need legislation that ensures Aotearoa New Zealand’s commitment to a just and sustainable transition.


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