Caritas promotes authentic human development. This means development of the whole person. It provides for their economic, cultural, political, social and spiritual wellbeing.

YCC Day is a special event where Caritas joins forces with Catholic schools across New Zealand. Together, we stand in solidarity to support a good cause, raising funds and awareness for a selected focus school.

We are excited to share how our NZ Catholic Bishops are supporting YCC Day.

Join Caritas and our Bishops as we stand in solidarity and support Holy Trinity School in Papua New Guinea.

Check out our YCC Day video, spread the word, and have fun this YCC Day!

But what exactly is YCC Day?

The letters remind us of the purpose:

For YCC Day in 2024, we are off to Papua New Guinea!

This year we are supporting Holy Trinity School, which is in desperate need of vital classroom equipment such as desks and chairs, as well as resources like books and writing materials.

Join Caritas on Friday, 5 July, and help support our friends at Holy Trinity School.

Key Learning Resources

These resources have been developed to support students understand what life is like for young people in Papua New Guinea and the many challenges they face. Through this learning, students will understand how their support can make a difference.

Feel free to use any or all of these resources in your classroom learning programme.

Below are the different components or focus areas for student activities.

They have been condensed for ease of use.

YCC Day - Links to Previous Years Resources