Your generosity is key to enabling lives of dignity and hope.

Find the method of giving that best suits you.

Ways to give

Direct deposit

To make a one-off direct deposit, simply login to your online banking profile and make a payment using the following payee details -

Bank: Westpac

Account name: Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand

Account number: 03-0518-0211216-03

Reference: Supporter ID (if possible)

Code: ‘Lent’

Particulars: Your first and last name

On this website

You can give a secure online donation by simply clicking ‘donate now’ on this website. Donating through our website is the quickest and easiest way to make an impact where it’s needed most.

Over the phone

Simply call our friendly team on 0800 22 10 22 to donate using your credit or debit card.

Our details

Charities Registration No. CC36055

GST (IRD) Number: 046-322-452

Together, we can change lives.