Sign the global petition to Turn Debt into Hope

Join our campaign against climate and debt injustice.

Our campaigns

Turn Debt into Hope

New Zealand has a vital role to play in the global campaign to end unsustainable financial systems pushing the poorest nations into debt.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We seek to uphold and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi as the founding document of our country, guided by the Church’s history of advocating for justice and fairness.

Human trafficking

We stand in solidarity with those in need and seek to bring equity for all in Aotearoa and across the world.

The Holy Land

We advocate to protect the lives and rights of all vulnerable people caught in the tragic conflict in the Holy Land.

Join us!

Sign up to join our Advocacy in Action community and receive updates on the issues we follow, what we’re doing about them, and what you can do to join our mission.

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See our work

  • Read our advocacy in action articles

    Read our analysis on current issues of justice and peace through the lens of our Catholic Social Teaching values.

  • View our submissions to government

    We upload all of our select committee submissions, and other opportunities to speak directly to the Government.

  • Participate in our upcoming events

    See the dates for upcoming events in the Catholic social justice calendar, and the resources we prepare for them.