Submission on Aotearoa New Zealand's Approach to COP28

10 May 2023

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade opened online consultation regarding New Zealand's negotiating stance at the COP28 global climate negotiations later in 2023.

  • We are facing a global social, economic, and environmental crisis for which comprehensive action is needed. We support ambitious and effective emissions reduction efforts that contribute to a just transition.

  • Within Aotearoa New Zealand, meaningful policy change is needed to fulfil our international climate commitments. This policy should include the needs of the most vulnerable communities and seek to protect our biodiversity.

  • Internationally, we have a moral obligation to provide accessible, adequate climate finance to the Global South, in particular our Pacific Island neighbours. These countries suffer disproportionately from the impacts of a crisis that is driven by our own high per-capita emissions, and climate finance must be made available that will not impose crippling debt or take away from development aid.


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