Growing the local economy - Solomon Islands
New Zealand High Commissioner Georgina Roberts joining senior government officials and the Bishop Koete RTC community at the opening of a new classroom
Our work in the Solomon Islands has been in collaboration with our partner, the Solomon Islands Association of Vocational and Rural Training Centres (SIAVRTCs) to strengthen Rural Training Centres and improve access to these institutions for young people. We have worked with up to 15 RTCs and a further 10 RTCs will be supported over the next 5 years. There are vocational tertiary training centres that provide agricultural, carpentry, mechanical life skills training to provide young people with the skills and training required to earn a living in a country with high youth unemployment and a fast-growing young population.
At present, women comprise around 20% of RTC students. Caritas has strived to make the centres more accessible for women – such as providing separate dormitory and bathroom facilities. This makes it possible and safe for women to attend the programmes, which has since seen the roll for women increase by 230%. At present, women comprise around 20% of RTC students. Caritas has strived to make the centres more accessible for women – such as providing separate dormitory and bathroom facilities. This makes it possible and safe for women to attend the programmes, which has since seen the roll for women increase by 230%.