Muck in with a Farmer
This gift goes towards the Caritas Hope Fund which is used to fund livelihood programmes. Caritas helps small-scale farmers get environmentally friendly agricultural training and the skills they need to produce enough crops to feed their families. These livelihood programmes allow farmers to produce a small surplus to sell at market thereby increasing the family income to pay for things like education and healthcare.
This gift goes towards the Caritas Hope Fund which is used to fund livelihood programmes. Caritas helps small-scale farmers get environmentally friendly agricultural training and the skills they need to produce enough crops to feed their families. These livelihood programmes allow farmers to produce a small surplus to sell at market thereby increasing the family income to pay for things like education and healthcare.
This gift goes towards the Caritas Hope Fund which is used to fund livelihood programmes. Caritas helps small-scale farmers get environmentally friendly agricultural training and the skills they need to produce enough crops to feed their families. These livelihood programmes allow farmers to produce a small surplus to sell at market thereby increasing the family income to pay for things like education and healthcare.
Case Study
Timor Leste is one of the Pacific’s poorest countries – with many people relying on agriculture and farming to earn a living.
Many Timorese farmers rely on dated techniques and equipment to grow and harvest crops – meaning yields are low, and their incomes suffer.
Our local partner, HAFOTI is working with women across Timor Leste to enable enhanced food security and livelihoods for the almost 400 members, their families and communities.
From the produce grown in their community farms and gardens, HAFOTI women are able to feed themselves and others with a ready supply of healthy, nutritious food year-round and also add value to these products for sale in supermarkets, cafes and eateries in the capital Dili. Income from the sale of HAFOTI products help the women of HAFOTI maintain their homes and purchase books and uniforms for their children and grandchildren’s education.
HAFOTI women work in their community garden in Oecusse Timor Leste.