School is Cool
This gift goes towards the Caritas Learning Fund which supports education and training. Primary school education is a basic right in New Zealand. However, this is not the case in many countries where many different circumstances can prevent a child from attending school at any age. This gift can help reduce these and give a child the chance to go to school.
This gift goes towards the Caritas Learning Fund which supports education and training. Primary school education is a basic right in New Zealand. However, this is not the case in many countries where many different circumstances can prevent a child from attending school at any age. This gift can help reduce these and give a child the chance to go to school.
This gift goes towards the Caritas Learning Fund which supports education and training. Primary school education is a basic right in New Zealand. However, this is not the case in many countries where many different circumstances can prevent a child from attending school at any age. This gift can help reduce these and give a child the chance to go to school.
Case Study
Every year Caritas promotes YCC Day as a special non-uniform day in Catholic primary schools around New Zealand at the end of the second term. A different overseas school with significant needs is supported each year to provide improvements.
Recent YCC Days have supported schools in Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste and the Holy Land, providing new learning resources, repairs to classrooms and toilets, and even new solar panels to provide power to school buildings!
Elijah Boagan attends Doputz Primary School in Bougainville. In 2019, Doputz Primary School was the focus of Mufti Mania.