Emergency Kit


This gift goes towards the Caritas Life Fund which helps people in emergencies. When disaster or conflict strikes, families can lose almost everything. This gift can help families to survive while we work with them to rebuild their lives in the long-term. The emergency kits are crucial as many people are forced to leave their homes with very few belongings.

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This gift goes towards the Caritas Life Fund which helps people in emergencies. When disaster or conflict strikes, families can lose almost everything. This gift can help families to survive while we work with them to rebuild their lives in the long-term. The emergency kits are crucial as many people are forced to leave their homes with very few belongings.

This gift goes towards the Caritas Life Fund which helps people in emergencies. When disaster or conflict strikes, families can lose almost everything. This gift can help families to survive while we work with them to rebuild their lives in the long-term. The emergency kits are crucial as many people are forced to leave their homes with very few belongings.


Case Study

Since conflict began in Syria in 2011, Lebanon and other neighbouring countries have allowed Syrians over the border to seek refuge from the violence. Over 75 percent of the refugees are women and children who rely entirely on emergency support like Caritas emergency kits. Food parcels, hygiene kits, clothing, medical assistance and counselling are provided to refugee families.

‘I left with my wife and my four children. We walked for three days to come to Lebanon,’ says one of the refugees.

‘My son was supposed to serve in the military. They made him pay five hundred dollars to cross the border. He arrived last night, but his [eighteen-year-old] friend was killed at the border,’ another one added.

Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

Water for Life
Shelter from the Storm
Hygiene Rules!
Feed a Family