Submission on the Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme Policy Review

19 April 2023

The Recognised Seasonal Employer Scheme provides seasonal migrant workers with employment in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Scheme is reviewed to ensure the rights of employees and the responsibilities of employers are being upheld.

• Caritas strongly supports a review into the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme that will improve conditions of workers and make the system more oriented around their needs and wellbeing.

• Particularly in the areas of health, pastoral care, workers’ rights, and compliance, we support the proposed options to improve the scheme.

• RSE workers make a significant contribution to Aotearoa New Zealand’s community and economy, and it is in the interests of businesses and the government to protect their wellbeing. Spending on health, pastoral care, and education about workers’ rights should be seen as an investment by businesses and the government.

• There is a significant power imbalance between RSE workers and their employers, and so external monitoring and enforcement is necessary to ensure compliance with policies. This is in the interests of all RSE businesses, as their reputation is dependent on the scheme not being seen as exploitative.

• Ultimately, the policies will only be successful if the voices of RSE workers are listened to and considered. The scheme can no longer be centred around the needs of employers but should work to promote the common good of all involved.


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