Submission on the Draft Plan of Action Against Forced Labour, People Trafficking, and Slavery

16 October 2020

In 2020, the government released a Draft Plan of Action Against Forced Labour, People Trafficking, and Slavery, which would serve as an action plan to address the exploitation of people from 2020-20205. One suggested action point within this plan was to “Consider introducing legislation requiring businesses to report publicly on transparency in supply chains to help eliminate practices of modern slavery.”

  • Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand called for immediate action to introduce legislation requiring businesses to report on worker exploitation or slavery within their supply chains and operations.

  • We recognised that Aotearoa New Zealand is lagging behind on this issue, with similar legislation established in multiple countries, including Australia, the UK, Germany, and France. Many New Zealand businesses already have to comply with regulations, and introducing legislation in Aotearoa New Zealand will create a level playing field across businesses.

  • We believe the legislation will help improve civil society awareness of slavery and exploitation. It will enhance the ability of interested actors within New Zealand to investigate and research modern slavery risks within consumer goods in New Zealand, contributing to our overall knowledge and ability to mitigate the risks.

  • We recommend developing country-specific, unique Modern Slavery Legislation for New Zealand businesses that builds from the experiences of other countries.


Caritas Briefing for Incoming Ministers 2020


Submission on the 2050 Strategy for the Blue Pacific Continent