Submission on the Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 3)

28 April 2023

This bill, among other things, created a new legal framework for Wānanga allowing them to operate with more autonomy.

  • We support the creation of a new framework giving Wānanga the choice to constitute themselves as Crown entities or non-Crown entities.

  • We believe in rangatiratanga and subsidiarity / mana whakahaere, and believe that Wānanga should have the option to be accountable to the iwi, hapū, and Māori groups that established them, rather than primarily the Crown.

  • We note that this framework is a good starting point for a genuine partnership, but ongoing work will be needed to uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi in tertiary education. The Crown must fulfil the commitments it has made, and work to build a stronger relationship with the Māori tertiary education sector, including those that are currently not included as Wānanga.


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