Submission on the 2024 Inquiry into Climate Adaptation

13 June 2024

In 2024 the Finance and Expenditure Committee began an inquiry into climate adaptation in Aotearoa New Zealand, following the Environment Committee’s inquiry in 2023 which Caritas submitted to.

  • Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand reiterates its support for community-led climate adaptation that supports those in need, as stated in our October 2023 submission to the Environment Committee. We support the recommendations summarised in the Environment Committee Inquiry into Climate Adaptation Summary of Submissions; however, we believe that community leadership and equity should be more strongly emphasised.

  • In line with Caritas’ and New Zealand’s previous experience responding to disasters and building climate resilience, information sharing must be reciprocal between central government and local communities, to draw on the strengths and expertise of both parties and build effective relationships.


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