State of the Environment for Oceania 2019 Report
The Caritas State of the Environment for Oceania Report: Seeds of Hope was launched on 3 October at St Mary’s Church Papakura, followed by a presentation on St Francis Day, 4 October, in the Caritas office Wellington.
The Caritas State of the Environment for Oceania report series has monitored critical issues affecting the life and wellbeing of Oceania and its peoples since 2014. The five main issues we monitor are: rising seas and coastal erosion, extreme weather, access to safe local food and water, offshore mining and drilling, and climate finance.
For the life of Oceania, we continue to call for urgent action to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, and climate finance to assist our poorest communities. This target is imperative for survival in Oceania. As Pope Francis says, “Today’s young people are saying, ‘The future is ours’, and they are right!”
This year, Caritas has sought to listen to what young people, Indigenous people, scientists and those living close to the land and ocean are telling us about what they are experiencing, and what needs to happen. This is what we heard, these are the voices of Oceania for 2019.

State of the Environment for Oceania 2018 Report
The Caritas State of the Environment for Oceania Report: Waters of Life, Oceans of Mercy was launched on St Francis Day, 4 October 2018, during the week-long Caritas Oceania Forum held at the Home of Compassion, Island Bay.
State of the Environment for Oceania 2017 Report
Caritas’ fourth State of the Environment for Oceania report, Turning the Tide, was released on St Francis Day, at Te Ngākau Tapu Parish in Porirua, Aotearoa New Zealand.