Help more people access life-changing skills.

Together, let's help transform lives and build strong and resilient futures.

What are ‘skills for life’ training outcomes?

Having a secure income through farming or crop-growing.

Strengthened diet awareness, improving the health of families and communities.

Using sustainable techniques to grow drought-resistant crops, mitigating the immediate effects of climate change.

We need your support now to keep providing vital ‘skills for life’ to thousands of families struggling to put food on the table across the Asia-Pacific.

Meet the Su Phal family

“We are so grateful to DPA and Caritas for their support. We no longer have poor living conditions and can generate an income to improve our living situation”.

The Su Phal family lived in extreme poverty. With minimal income, Mr Su Phal, his wife Ourn Siya and their young sons often went without the basics.

As farmers in rural Cambodia, they live off the land but didn’t have the skills they needed to farm effectively or live with financial security.

The family relied on traditional methods that weren’t producing a good yield, and they were suffering as a result.

“Despite our efforts, we struggled to provide enough food for our family … We faced a food shortage for six months, from May to October each year”.

“We felt hopeless and anxious about our future and our children's education” says Mr Su Phal.

Mr Su Phal tried everything to turn their situation around.

With the support of people like you, the Su Phal family were given a life-changing opportunity when they heard about Development Partnership in Action (DPA), Caritas’ local partner in Cambodia.

Through Caritas’ partner DPA’s local vegetable growing co-operative, the Su Phal family gained the ‘skills for life’ and their lives have been transformed.

“Life was incredibly challenging for my family and me. We lived in poverty, with no stable occupation and insufficient income”

Thanks to the support of people like you, the Su Phal family are building a brighter, more financially secure future.

The family now grow more vegetables and have better market opportunities through their improved knowledge of pricing and securing favorable farming contracts.

They have invested in life-changing equipment, including a motorcycle for the farm and bicycles for their young sons to ride to school! The family now have more stock, and better opportunities to trade and earn a living.

"My family is constantly changing, and life is better. I have money to support my children's education …” says Mr Su Phal.

“We are so grateful to DPA and Caritas for their support. We no longer have poor living conditions and can generate an income to improve our living situation”.

We know there are so many others in need of the same opportunity.

Your gift to the ‘Skills for Life’ appeal today could be the lifeline they need.

Your donation can help:

Support a young Cambodia family through agricultural training.

Supply farm equipment for Fijian students.

Provide Timorese women with a small-loan to start and maintain small businesses.