Social Justice Week

Social Justice Week runs from 8 - 14 September 2024.

Social Justice Week serves as an ongoing commitment in the Catholic calendar to consider, reflect on, and act on a particular current social justice issue through the lens of Catholic social teaching.

The overarching theme for Social Justice Week from 2023-2025 is:

‘Imagine Peace For All / Pohewatia te Rangimārie mō te Katoa’

Each year there’s a unique focus, and for 2024 it is:

‘Choose forgiveness, know peace / Kōwhiria te murunga hara, kia mōhio ki te rangimārie’

Catholic social teaching sees peace as an essential component of social justice, which is based on the principles of respect for human dignity, the pursuit of the common good, and the protection of human rights.

It calls for a transformation of social structures and systems that perpetuate violence, inequality and injustice, and for the promotion of a culture of peace that values dialogue, reconciliation, and nonviolent conflict resolution.

Our love for others can lead us to repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, building a path to lasting peace.

Social Justice Week 2024 Resources

Video Resources

Key Messages - Ngā Kupu Matua:

Jesus Christ serves as the ultimate model of forgiveness and reconciliation.

We are called to forgive others as an expression of God’s love, just as God forgives us.

Through love, repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation, we build a path to lasting peace.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a sacred means of experiencing God’s love and forgiveness.

Building peace requires forgiveness.

Choosing forgiveness can be difficult, but with open hearts and minds we can know peace.

Video Resources

Prayers in Four Languages - Ngā Karakia i ngā Reo e Whā

English, Te Reo Māori, NZ Sign Language, Tongan

Peace Prayers (from school resources)

The Lord’s Prayer

Prayer of St Francis of Assisi

Social Justice Week 2023 Resources

Previous Years’ Parish Resources:

Social Justice Week 2022: Say No to Racism. We are one in Christ

Social Justice Week 2021: A Culture of Encounter: Be the Church

Social Justice Week 2020: Easy as CST: Unlocking the Church’s potential

Social Justice Week 2019: Fair, You Say? Seeking fairness in an unfair world

Social Justice Week 2018: Enabling Communities. Everyone has a part to play.