Social Justice Week
Each year the Catholic Bishops of New Zealand set aside a week in September for Social Justice Week, inviting us to reflect and take action on a current social justice issue.
Social Justice Week 2021
Social Justice Week 2021 takes place from 12 - 18 September. The theme of our Social Justice Week resources is "A Culture of Encounter: Be the Church" / "He Ahurea Tūtaki ki Ētahi atu: Me Noho Ko Koutou te Hāhi." This theme on encounter and community was inspired by Pope Francis' encyclical, Fratelli Tutti (2020).
A Culture of Encounter
In the midst of this time of change and uncertainty it is tempting to retreat into what we know best. There are many reasons why people can easily get caught within their own bubble and be removed from those around them. The impact of the pandemic, our reliance on technology, a growing culture of individualism and instant gratification are just a few reasons.
But Pope Francis reminds us that "isolation and withdrawal into one's own interests are never the way to restore hope and bring about renewal. Rather it is closeness; it is the culture of encounter". (Fratelli Tutti, #30)
Digital versions of the resources are available for download by clicking the buttons below.

Fratelli Tutti
Fratelli Tutti Discussion Guide Order Form
Pope Francis wrote his encyclical Fratelli Tutti in 2020, during the global pandemic. He asked us to deepen our understanding of ourselves as brothers and sisters, through developing a “culture of encounter” in which we get to know each other and listen to each other.
This discussion guide provides an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the messages from Fratelli Tutti, in the light of wider Catholic social teaching, prayer and discussion.
Please use this online form to order additional hard copies at no cost, although we do ask if you can offer a koha to help cover courier costs.
Electronic versions are available for download here.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
Social Justice Week 2020
Social Justice Week 2019
Social Justice Week 2018