Social Justice Week

Social Justice Week runs from 8 - 14 September 2024.

Our overarching theme from 2023-2025 is:

‘Imagine Peace For All / Pohewatia te Rangimārie mō te Katoa’

Each year there will be a unique focus, and for 2024 it is:

‘Choose forgiveness, know peace / Kōwhiria te murunga hara, kia mōhio ki te rangimārie’

Social Justice Week 2024 Resources Coming Soon!

Social Justice Week 2023 Resources

Previous Years’ Parish Resources:

Social Justice Week 2022: Say No to Racism. We are one in Christ

Social Justice Week 2021: A Culture of Encounter: Be the Church

Social Justice Week 2020: Easy as CST: Unlocking the Church’s potential

Social Justice Week 2019: Fair, You Say? Seeking fairness in an unfair world

Social Justice Week 2018: Enabling Communities. Everyone has a part to play.