The KAITIAKI2SHARE competition for 2021 saw students of all ages send in great ideas for how we can all care for creation (people and the environment).
Congratulations to all the students who participated in this year’s Kaitiaki2Share competition.
Once again, well over a hundred students took part and showed great creativity along with a passion to care for God's creation. The judges loved all the entries and felt inspired by the amazing young leaders promoting stewardship around the country. Well done to everyone!
Below are the results of this year's competition.
Annabelle Shields (Year 6)
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Pukekohe
Candace Mitchell (Year 9)
St Peter’s College, Palmerston North
Gavin Israel & Toby Van Der Gulik (Year 8)
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Pukekohe
Irene Sebastian (Year 7)
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Pukekohe
Kirsten Almoite (Year 4)
St Peter Chanel School, Te Rapa
Aeva Pihema (Year 7)
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, Auckland
Ben Seward (Year 4)
St Peter Chanel School, Te Rapa
Emily Stallworthy (Year 8)
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Pukekohe
Erika Villejo (Year 8)
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Pukekohe
Vaasugi Uthamaputhiran (Year 5)
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, Auckland
Other Notable Efforts
Amy Wigley (Year 3)
Saint Joseph's School, Paeroa
Caitlyn Nair (Year 3)
Saint Joseph's School, Paeroa
Chelsea Winston (Year 5)
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, Auckland
Claire Gelido (Year 8)
St Brigid's School, Johnsonville
Deanna Fermin (Year 4)
St Joseph’s Catholic School, Pukekohe
Devin Harkness (Year 5)
Stella Maris Catholic School, Silverdale
Eliasz Zych (Year 5)
St Benedict's School, Khandallah
Emeliah Nikolao (Year 8)
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, Auckland
Jeremiah Fogava'a (Year 8)
St Brigid's School, Johnsonville
Lianna Delubio (Year 7)
Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School, Auckland
May Upton (Year 4)
St Leo's Catholic School, Devonport
Sophie Wiig (Year 5)
St Benedict's School, Khandallah
Zara Taylor (Year 5)
St Benedict's School, Khandallah
The winners will receive a share of the prize money and all winners and finalists will have native trees planted in their names within their region.
Click on the buttons below to see their amazing efforts and look out for next year's competition!