With widespread poverty, jobs and a secure income can be hard to come by in Fiji.

Our partner Tutu Rural Training Centre is empowering those who face tough challenges and teaching young people to “use the skills they don’t know that they have”.

For Sitiveni and Sera Sovaki – coming to Tutu was the break they needed.

With employment opportunities scarce in their village, Sitiveni and Sera’s only choices were to work at tourist resorts, where employment tends to be casual, lowly paid and irregular, or work in casual labour at a local farm.

The income they could generate was short-lived and wasn’t enough for the basics.

Sitiveni and Sera were faced with a heartbreaking choice; – live apart, with one moving to an urban area for more secure employment, or continue to go without the basics.

Thankfully though - there was another way.

Sitiveni and Sera’s lives were changed after they attended a six-week married couples’ course at Tutu.

During the course, they learnt about sustainable farming methods and financial management. They also learnt at how to make a dollar go a long way through turning waste products into goods for sale.

Sitiveni and Sera have found new ways to provide for themselves and their family - repurposing products that they used to throw away,.

Learning alongside other couples, with the help of caring staff like Lani,  they got to know each other and found better uses for the skills and talents they discovered.

Sitiveni and Sera are now sharing what they’ve learnt with others. Their family and community are now thriving!

Your support today will help more young people like Sitiveni and Sera to build bright futures for themselves and their communities.

Supply farm and mechanical equipment

Supply pre-positioned emergency supplies for those who face natural disasters

How your donation will help:

Provide agricultural and financial training