Life in rural Cambodia was tough for the Phea family. Relying on rice cultivation for their livelihood, their eldest daughter left school to earn extra income for the family. 

Since joining a rice co-operative supported by Caritas partner, DPA, the Phea’s lives have been transformed. 

Improved farming methods and market access have increased their rice yields and grown their income, allowing for life-changing investments in farming equipment, livestock, and supplies for their young daughters.  

“We are so grateful to DPA and Caritas for their support. We no longer have poor living conditions and can generate an income to further improve our living situation”

We have worked closely with our Cambodian partner Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) since 2005, and we are currently working with them to support the development of small-scale farmers' groups and cooperatives in 36 indigenous villages in north-east Cambodia.

Partnering with local organisations like DPA to restore dignity and empower those most in need is at the heart of our mission.

And you’re an equally important partner!

Your donation will provide…

Year-round food security for rural Cambodians

Every $1 you give right now becomes $4 thanks to our partnership with the NZ Government, and will enable more families like the Pheas to thrive!

Farming equipment to enhance products

Allow access to education, training and development