Advocacy Articles
Read the articles we’ve written about social and environmental justice and peace, driven by our advocacy work and Catholic social teaching.
Yesterday’s news? Revisiting crises the headlines have moved on from
In order to promote peace, we must remain in solidarity with those around the world affected by conflict and disasters, even as the headlines move on to other issues.
Fossil fuels at COP28: The good, the bad, and the uphill battle
The final agreement of COP28 led to much controversy over its language on fossil fuels. We explore the good and bad parts, and where we go from here.
What does COP28 mean for Loss and Damage?
COP28 negotiators announced the creation of a global Loss and Damage fund. We explore what this means, and what it is missing.
“Praise God”: What does Laudate Deum mean for us?
In Laudate Deum, Pope Francis continues the call for environmental justice that started with Laudato Si’. We explore the connection to Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand’s work.
“Praise God”: What does Laudate Deum mean for Aotearoa New Zealand’s climate action?
Pope Francis’s recent letter Laudate Deum calls for strong climate action. We explain what we think it means for New Zealand.
The importance of due diligence in modern slavery legislation
The government has finally agreed to work on modern slavery legislation, but without any requirements for due diligence, the law will be toothless.
On World Day of the Poor, we should think about all those affected by poverty
World Day of the Poor serves as a reminder to care for all those in poverty, in a country where we tend to focus on children.
“Our Home is on Fire” – the cry of creation from Suva, Fiji
Caritas Fiji led indigenous storytellers from across Oceania to call out against environmental and social injustice in our shared home.
Aotearoa New Zealand’s Pacific focus at COP28
COP negotiations often crowd out the voices of our Pacific neighbours. We believe Aotearoa has a duty to uplift their voices and fight for their rights.
Who is a ‘victim’ of human trafficking? The importance of representation
Discussions of human trafficking often focus on the most sensational and stereotypical cases. However, this awful practice can take many forms, and it is important to think about how we can represent all of its victims.
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